August 13, 2010

marhaban yaa ramadhan all :)


selamat berpuasa utk semua :)
semoga puasa tahun ini dipenuhi dgn keberkatan utk anda semua t'masuk sayer...hihih :B

huhaaa :D

gambo bas

tasek yang chomel ( kata cegu saya )

err..ape ni sebenarnya ?

tasek yg chomel lagi :)

Well, tu jek gambo yang saya sempat snap :D
Sorry lambat update sket...Sebenarnya bukan sket tapi banyak.hohoh !

Trip to Pantai Sri Tujoh utk relaks minda kitorang bdk2 PMR kali ni nak kata best tak, nak kata tak best pon tak, yang sedang2 laa senang..OK, first saya igtkan nak b'picnic ( ceyy b'picnic gitu ) kat tepi pantai di bawah pokok yg redup bersama pemandangan air laut yg biru dgn tiupan angin bayu yg sejuk dan bunyi ombak yg sayup2 kedengaran. Eh ? Pelik je bunyik, hehe..biarlah..Tapikk kenyataannya yg dpt di bawah pondok kecik dan di tepi tasik yg chomel je kitorang dpt. Bukan nak kate x menghargai, tapi saya tersangatlah frust menonggeng sbb cegu kate nak picnic di tepi pantai. Yang aku sorang ni pulak, bile dah dgr pantai terus nak pegi. Kwn2 aku pon same, sumer beria-ia nak mandi di pantai. Siap bwk baju spare lagi..kesian..kesian...
Igtkan bolehlaa ambek gambo maen2 lam air ngan frens..Takpe laa, gambo2 ni pun jadi laa..

Iklan sementar ;)

sedaknye aishkreng :)

err, pokok tu yg hudoh ke kitorang yg hudoh ?

comangnyee dier..

err, no komeng..

peace everydayy ^^

      :)                                  :D

OK cukup, melebih-lebih pulak iklan neh, Haish..(-..-)
Sebenarnya manyak lagi gambo, tapi biarlaa. Tgk yg tu sdhlaa..
Well, lepas abis relaks2 di ''pantai'' kitorang gi Pengkalan Kubor pulak. Shopping2 then balik. Saya beli satu baju warne pepel yg t'sangat lah chomel, hihih :) Nak tunjok gambo, tapi xde plak..
Abis shopping2 tu kitorang sumer balik. Sebelum tu sayer n kawan2 sayer minum2 kat luor kejap. Kitorang pekene air kelape, best WOK ! 

 * bagi gambo sket ;

Hah, tu dia..air dah habis, duit pon dah habis..hehek :P
Pas abis minum, kitorang BLAH..

[  The End ]

August 6, 2010


horei !
esok pelajar form 3 sekolah saya akan ke Pantai Sri Tujoh :) .

                                                                  Jeng !                                                                 

                                                                 JENG JENG !! HAHA :DD

Tu gambo yang dicurik dari google punye..hihi..xpe2 nanti esok saya ambik sendiri gambo bebanyak biar korang bley tengok ok ;) Kalo ikut kata cikgu, lepas abis relaks2 and makan2 kat pantai nak gi shopping kat Pengkalan Kubor plak..Tapikk sejauh mana kebenarannya, tunggu jelah esok. Sebenarnya saya x kesah pon nak pergi memana..Sya ikut jerr..haha :D asalkan bess......

err....OK Bai :D

it's been a long time...

Dah lama aku tak update blogg aku neh..orang bz laa katakan..heheh..:P


Kemarin aku baru abis  exam PERC. PMR & ALHAMDULILLAH aku bley jawab kesemuanya.
& kemarin jgk aku baru dpt result utk dua paper ( MATH & BM ).Nak dipendekkan cite,,sbenarnya keputusan aku tak la memberangsangkan sgt. Aku dpt 60-MAT & 77-BM.. Bodoh kan ? Kaciwa jugak laa rase dalam hati aku mase dpt result tu..tapi nak wat camne kan,,bnde dah jadik dah xley nak wat pape dah.
Sebenarnye expected target aku utk perc. pmr nie MAT bley laa dpt 'A',,tapik yg dptnyee C,,~__~
tapik xpe laa sbb yg tu dah menjadi kebiasaan aku dpt C sbb otak aku bknnye otak MAT.....BM plak laen cite..tiga markah lagi aku nak skor 'A'..igtkan kali ni boleh laa dpt 'A' BM,,tapik yg dptnye B..haii susahnyee nak dpt A..
camne laa org yg pandai2 tu blaja kan ?aku tgk otak die sama saiz je ngan aku..tapi knape result diorang x same cam aku hah ?? HADOII~~


OK,,tu pasal result aku..nie pasal result kwn2 ak plak.ade laa sorang kawan aku neh,,kalau aku dpt 60 die dpt result yg lebih rendah pade aku 44.aku igt markah aku yg plg rendah tapik ade lagi markah yg lagi rendah pada aku..sebenarnya,,result tu kitorang dpt sebelum exam utk last paper that is KH..So,,aku nak tanye sket,,ape perasaan korang sume bile dpt tau korang dpt markah terendah dlm kelas && lepas tuu kena jwb exam pulak..msti da x bley nak pikir pape kan ? aku kesian kat die..lepas habis je exam tuu die terus nanges,,nanges dan nanges lagi..aku sedih tengok kat die..aku pon pernah alami ape yg die alami.mase aku dpt markah terendah dulu aku pon nanges jugak..yg bermain dlm kepala aku sume pasal cikgu aku..die b'penat lelah ajar aku siang & malam tapik aku bagik markah rendah kat die,,mesti die sedih kan..tapik aku tak nanges kat skolah..aku balek nanges dlm bilik sesorang..hihi ~__~
( nama dirahsiakan )


Habes cite sedih..kite cite psl gembira pulak..
OK kalau tadi nama dirahsiakan,,nie nama dibesarkan..nama dia
die seorang kawan aku yg sentiasa berusaha utk mendapatkan sesuatu..
die seorang yg gigih berusaha..
dan die kawan aku...hehe :P
kalau nak tahu,,die PKBS 2 baru2 nie die dpt 58 je MATH tau..tapi perc. pmr baru2 nie die dpt brape tau..die dpt 82 youuuu...t'kezzut mak~  ( a round of applause !! )
bangga betul aku ngan die..tu baru satu..lepas tu dpt lagi satu berita gembira..BM pulak die dpt 86..hoh !
gile betul..pandai2..err..wink2* dah pandai tu boley laa ajar2 aku sket..haha :D...
skarang..die dah menjadi inspirasi bagi aku..die dah membuktikan bahawa,,orang yg x pernah berjaya pon boleh berjaya jugak..
xpe teng xpe...kali ni kau jekk..kite tggu PMR pulak..biar kite FFE® pulak sesame meraih 8A !!
bak kata kau " HWAITING ! " means BERUSAHA !!...

p/s : utk Pateng teng teng..syabas kawan syabas..& utk tuttttt jgnlah bersedih..bak kata Dr. Shukri "Yang di belakang belum kalah, jadi jangan kecewa, yang di hadapan belum menang, jadi jangan leka"..sama2 lah kite semua b'usaha menuju kejayaan kerana kejayaan tidak dtg b'golek atau berguling..ia cuma akan dtg kalau kite gigih berusaha :D

July 3, 2010

tabahkan hati...



  • HAH ! T'kezut tak ?Kepada peminat2 BRAZIL diharapkan bersabar...
  • Untuk pengetahuan anda semua BRAZIL telah kalah kepada Netherlands semalam.
  • Sungguh menyedihkan dan memalukan ~__~
  • Apa daa...dengan Netherlands pon boley kalah kerr...macammana korang maen hah?!Kalau kalah ngan Spain ke Argentina ke xpe dgn Netherlands..diulangi NETHERLANDS bro !!! 
  • Hurm..tapi xpe laa..BRAZIL dpt sampai suku akhir dah cukup membanggakan.. 
  • Xpe..kita tunggu 4 taon lagi ekk..saya yakin BRAZIL akan menjuarai FIFA WORLD CUP 2014 nanti!!!! We'll wait n see.. HAHAHAHAHA :-D  

p/s :
Disebabkan Brazil dah t'keluar, hatiku terus berubah kpd  SPAIN..haha..Jom semua peminat BRAZIL !! Jom kita semua b'satu hati..sokong SPAIN okayy...

June 26, 2010

dalam kepuasan....

When you cry, I cry
Sad eyed Caroline
With your tears came ters of mine

I was young, confused
Hollow and bemused
So my heart got bruised with time

My apologies
Sad eyes Caroline
When I define what's on your mind

What is left?
What is there?
Who cares?
If there's till air
To bring my thoughts into the clear
Before they'll disappear

I didn't mean to say
All those things I said
I didn't mean to do
the tings I've done to you
On my bare knees
I tell you that I'm sorry
Is this goodbye?
Sad eyed Caroline
Hope you're doing fine

I feels like yesterday
we sat down by the bay
waiting for the sun to set our way
And one by one
The hours counted down
As we walked into oblivion

Do your eyes still shine?
When day and night entwine
Like this icy sky trough a hollow night?
Do your lips still dare?
To curse out your despair
And to swear when it's not there?
Is life to wear a tear?

I didn't ment to say
all those things I said
I didn't ment to do
the things I've done to you
On my bare knees
I tell you that I'm sorry
But if I can
Through sorrow and trough pain
I do it all again

If we're ment to say
all the things we said
If we're ment to do
The things that we've gone trough
Then on our bare knees
We welcome a new morning
Let us rewind
Repair and replay
Let it blow away

June 6, 2010

May 30, 2010








harap dpt B semua,,INSYAALLAH,,
doa2 kan saye okayy :)

7:09 p.m
err,,lalala :D

May 29, 2010

exam oh exam,,

30, 31, 1 & 2 May n Jun
ini adalah penentu dimana akan aku berada.Kekal atao Turun ? Kalau aku dberi pilihan, aku lebih rela pilih turun dari kekal. Maken lama aku dlm class ''harapan'' nie maken gile rasenye,,Tiap2 hari si pngetua a.k.a 'nenek' akn dtg ke class aku neh,,Kalo dtg bgi duit ke,,adiah ke xpe jgk,,nie dtg bgi cramah yg ntah pape,,

6A yg dye target utk PKBS 2 neh,,6A tengkorak dye,,class aku neh yg plg tggi pon 4A jerr,,tu pon sbb mniru,,hadoii,,So,kalo xleh ape yg dye target jawbnye,,TURON CLASS laa,,hurmm,,apa aku kesah?
aku lagi laa suke,,haha :D,,NO MORE tension,NO MORE stress, NO MORE saket jiwa,NO MORE everything!!HAHA!! BEBAS!! BEBAS!! YEAH!! Tapi sbelum tu kne laa buat yg seburok mungken dulu,,elehh,,tu snang jerr,,x tao jwb tggl,,ahaha,,

wish me luck okayyy :P

p/s: miss my family in 3U,,i'll be missing you 3KRK!!
12:14 a.m
err,lalala :D

May 14, 2010

if i

*if i choose lil bear n lil tiger..
lil bear is better...i can put any clothes...and they cuddly n cute...but lil tigers are cute too..hrm..but they eat meat..specially human meat..huhu :P

*if i can choose my past crushes n boy-waiting-for-me...
i choose neither...i hate my past crushes to be honest..n i hate boys that never understand that he won't have a chance to get that girl..

*if i can choose chelsea n man utd...
i choose man utd...cos they were liverpool's rival....u can't match man utd with everton..everton dont really have that history....

*if i can choose KRK and U..
i choose U ..why eh..cos i luv fun learening better than serious lerning...haha..!

*if i can create songs.
i want to create some songs about any school subjects cos if they were made of songs..i'll score better grades..!huahaha!!

*if i can choose any woman..[not that i'm a lesbian]
i'll choose that angelina jolie...that woman is totally sexy and pluss people said that i look like her..!ahaha :D

*if i can change the world..
i'll change kancil to lamborghini...haha..What the F !?

*if i can change any person..
i want to change my skema classmates so that they wont be bullied by the stupids anymore :) ( baek kan saye )

*if i can choose any cartoon character, i'll choose patrick star
because although he's stupid, people dun really care!!ahaha!!

err,,lalala :D

May 8, 2010


Tis but thy name that is my enemy; Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot, Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part Belonging to a man. O, be some other name! What's in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet; So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd, Retain that dear perfection which he owes Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name, And for that name which is no part of thee Take all myself.

Haters, fallback!

err,,lalala :D