May 30, 2010








harap dpt B semua,,INSYAALLAH,,
doa2 kan saye okayy :)

7:09 p.m
err,,lalala :D

May 29, 2010

exam oh exam,,

30, 31, 1 & 2 May n Jun
ini adalah penentu dimana akan aku berada.Kekal atao Turun ? Kalau aku dberi pilihan, aku lebih rela pilih turun dari kekal. Maken lama aku dlm class ''harapan'' nie maken gile rasenye,,Tiap2 hari si pngetua a.k.a 'nenek' akn dtg ke class aku neh,,Kalo dtg bgi duit ke,,adiah ke xpe jgk,,nie dtg bgi cramah yg ntah pape,,

6A yg dye target utk PKBS 2 neh,,6A tengkorak dye,,class aku neh yg plg tggi pon 4A jerr,,tu pon sbb mniru,,hadoii,,So,kalo xleh ape yg dye target jawbnye,,TURON CLASS laa,,hurmm,,apa aku kesah?
aku lagi laa suke,,haha :D,,NO MORE tension,NO MORE stress, NO MORE saket jiwa,NO MORE everything!!HAHA!! BEBAS!! BEBAS!! YEAH!! Tapi sbelum tu kne laa buat yg seburok mungken dulu,,elehh,,tu snang jerr,,x tao jwb tggl,,ahaha,,

wish me luck okayyy :P

p/s: miss my family in 3U,,i'll be missing you 3KRK!!
12:14 a.m
err,lalala :D

May 14, 2010

if i

*if i choose lil bear n lil tiger..
lil bear is better...i can put any clothes...and they cuddly n cute...but lil tigers are cute too..hrm..but they eat meat..specially human meat..huhu :P

*if i can choose my past crushes n boy-waiting-for-me...
i choose neither...i hate my past crushes to be honest..n i hate boys that never understand that he won't have a chance to get that girl..

*if i can choose chelsea n man utd...
i choose man utd...cos they were liverpool's rival....u can't match man utd with everton..everton dont really have that history....

*if i can choose KRK and U..
i choose U ..why eh..cos i luv fun learening better than serious lerning...haha..!

*if i can create songs.
i want to create some songs about any school subjects cos if they were made of songs..i'll score better grades..!huahaha!!

*if i can choose any woman..[not that i'm a lesbian]
i'll choose that angelina jolie...that woman is totally sexy and pluss people said that i look like her..!ahaha :D

*if i can change the world..
i'll change kancil to lamborghini...haha..What the F !?

*if i can change any person..
i want to change my skema classmates so that they wont be bullied by the stupids anymore :) ( baek kan saye )

*if i can choose any cartoon character, i'll choose patrick star
because although he's stupid, people dun really care!!ahaha!!

err,,lalala :D

May 8, 2010


Tis but thy name that is my enemy; Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot, Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part Belonging to a man. O, be some other name! What's in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet; So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd, Retain that dear perfection which he owes Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name, And for that name which is no part of thee Take all myself.

Haters, fallback!

err,,lalala :D